Tuesday 27 January 2015


Vassilis Thom

It is an accessory interwoven with elegance. Once the bag was created; was immediately connected with the feminine existance and simultaneously became the signal of good style.

 This year, Vassilis Thom, also known for his exceptional creations,presented a unique collection with splendid bags that every woman will adore.

 Uniqueness, luxury and elegance. They are the elements that constitute his Moto in life and characterize his work.  They are also the main elements of this particular collection. The chick line, the leather and the fur texture and also the metal chains that accompany the bags, cannot than to magnetize the interest.


Which woman doesn't wish to feel unique, keeping a unique and elegant bag? This collection, such pieces contains, let’s enjoy them, while sure one of them will adorn your wardrobe.


Designer: Vassilis Thom
Photographer: Mike Tsitas
Hair: Babis Biblis
MUA: Gina Mamaki
Fashion Direction: Vassilis Thom
Model: Gina Mamaki
Location: ARTISANAL- Zirini 2, Kifisia

Click here for more:  http://www.vassilisthom.com/


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