Tuesday 14 October 2014



Fashion and clothes 

The need to cover his nudeness, led the man to create clothes. We had simple fabrics initially and over the years, composite synthesis of cloths; he wanted to give a more artistic dimension, to the material, which always represented, his weakness to feel free. For that reason and many others, it would be a terrible mistake to consider clothes as simple fabrics. 

For some, it’s a way to stand out and emerge. Because living in a society, which possessed by the leveling of uniformity; clothing reflects the character, the personality and the lifestyle in each of us. It is perhaps an individual expression of human, in all phases of his history. 

Liners, pantaloons, dresses, shirts, blouses, coats, even the burqa and the kerchiefs of Muslim countries, changing over the years.  The fashion has a constant evolution, always depending on the route of each nation’s culture; because both of them were always interwoven. 

From sewing clothes by hand, to major catwalks of famous fashion designers, which impose what, how and when has to be wear; we capture the course of clothes and generally of fashion through years. An endless path, with unknown future, because things are constantly changing, and new trends are formed.

Either a tendency to uniformity or a way to express; fashion is a characteristic of the human nature. It’s also an innate tendency of human, in his need to change, to stand out and evolve. .

                                                                                                                                     Panagiotis Panagakis

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